What Is Prostate Enlargement and How Can BPH Be Treated

BPH is an enlargement of the male prostate. Perhaps you will have many related questions, among which we are often necessary to urinate; the urethra and the bladder are not empty for all difficulties, not being able to.

The main cause of BPH is age. This is a very common complaint among older people - in fact, more than 50% of men over 55 have BPH.

It is important to have a correct diagnosis of BPH, mainly to evaluate treatment options and rule out other serious problems such as prostate cancer.

The treated problem is that many men are embarrassed that some people can suffer for years troublesome problems in this sensitive information instead of the realization of gender!

Some are worried about diagnosing prostate cancer and are afraid to spend years on this opportunity, but are afraid to know.

This remedy, coupled with reluctance to admit defects, is counterproductive. What do you want you to be smart?

Even if there is a problem, it is much better to find out. This gives the options available to us because of some of the many you want and give strength.

HBP, what he says is "benign." This is who they are malignant tumors. At that time, the necessary diagnosis was made, and all the worries about cancer? But this is not all possible for you: Fear of prostate cancer - go to the following website for more information.

What is the treatment of PPD in three categories?

Prostate surgery -

Surgery may be the only option is best if EPH is a serious cause of serious problems in the bladder emptying as much as they could. Many forms and can best be described as shameful.

Expo is carried out through the urethra without an incision in the prostate. Insert a tool to remove tissue obstructions, relieve stress and of alleviate symptoms. Turp is relatively safe.

The medicine -

For those who do not have severe EPH symptoms - or hate surgery! - There are two main means for BPH.

Long-term treatment is also slow shaft. Side effects can be impotence and real.

Alpha Blocker - prevents the flow of urine by relaxing the muscles in the prostate. This is faster, but part of it, and shaking off the weakness of hormone replacement therapy.

EPH treatment Africa

This can be an effective way to prevent and side effects of medicinal properties of herbs. For more information, visit the website for laser surgery for enlarged prostate in Jaipur.

This article is for reference only. If you have symptoms of BPH, consult your Urologist in Jaipur.


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