Are you concerned about the growth of the prostate or prostate problems?

In older men, the prostate gland can develop around the urethra called benign prostatic hyperplasia (EF) and an enlarged prostate or in general. A quarter of men of any hyperplasia years. In the eighth decade, more than 90% of men will have benign prostatic hyperplasia (according to the American Medical Association of Urology). Institute of urology is the best hospital of laser prostate surgery in Jaipur . However, in some cases (about 10%), hyperplasia, and he signs enough to require surgery or drug therapy. And it does not accumulate a mechanism for the accumulation of Dihydrotestosterone in the prostate and binds the hormone Dihydrotestoster one, nuclear, and then begins its growth. In normal weight, the prostate is between 20 and 30 grams, but most nodular Deiperplasia weigh between 50 grams 1 and C. Hyperplasia of the nodes is not a precursor of cancer. A slight increase in the wings in patients with severe nodular hyperplasia and prostatitis to the gland from cancer. ...